Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery & Growth Removal Procedures

Do your eyes have sagging eyelids that are impairing your vision? Is there a bump growing on your eyelid causing you to discomfort? Turn to The Blaydes Clinic in Bluefield, WV, for eyelid surgical procedures. Our ophthalmologists perform eyelid surgery to help improve the appearance and function of your eyes while also boosting your self-esteem. Count on us to give you the best results! Call us to schedule your initial appointment and speak with one of our specialized eye doctors.


Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is a procedure done to improve the appearance of your eyelids by removing the loose or sagging skin around your eyes. It also removes the excess fat and drooping skin from the upper eyelids to tighten your eyes and create a youthful appearance while improving your vision.

Eyelid Growth Removal

Depending upon the type of growth, the bump may be completely removed or simply drained. These growths usually occur at the margin of the eyelid where our eyelashes arise. Our eye doctors approach this area with care, emphasizing doing as little harm to the eyelashes as possible. Growths in the eyelid are removed in our office, and it is a quick procedure, taking about 15 minutes.

Contact us today to learn more about our eyelid surgical procedures.

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